Race with rafts made from bottles for students
Data: 2 iun. 2018

Out of the desire to sound the alarm on the large number of plastic bottles and plastic waste that end up in nature and especially in rivers and lakes in our country, the Association for the Conservation of Biological Diversity (ACDB) organized an event that consisted of a 7-raft race, made by students with ACDB guidance from approximately 2100 plastic bottles. The bottles were either collected by students in schools or were collected from the Putna River protected natural area during greening activities.

This event was organized for the joy of the children on their birthday, on June 1, 2018. Over 50 children from schools near the Putna River protected area and their teachers participated: „Ion Diaconu” High School Tulnici, Dumitru Pricop High School Negrilesti, „Ștefan cel Mare” Gymnasium School Bârsești, „Vasile Iftimescu” Gymnasium School Valea Sării, „Barbu Ștefănescu Delavrancea” Gymnasium School Năruja, “Neculai Jechianu” Gymnasium School Vrîncioaia and Vidra Gymnasium School „.
This event was organized within a larger project entitled: CONSERVE AND RESTORE THE AQUATIC HABITATS OF WINDOWS IN SOUTHEAST ROMANIA implemented by: Association for the Conservation of Biological Diversity (ACDB) and funded by: European Outdoor Conservation Association (EOCA) and OutDo.

Because it was a race, there were also three winning crews:
• The first place was won by the students from the “Vasile Iftimescu” Gymnasium School Valea Sării
• Second place was won by students from Dumitru Pricop Negrilesti High School
• The third place was won by the students from the “Barbu Ștefănescu Delavrancea” Năruja Secondary School

Because it was an event dedicated to children, the games could not be missed, so a children’s Olympics was organized, music and real fun.

All participating children received awards that were offered by SC Remat Vrancea SA and learned that one of the best ways to reduce plastic in the natural environment is recycling. The over 2100 PETs were collected and recycled by Remat Vrancea.

The event was organized with the support of the administrators of Bălții Doaga from Vrancea County who provided the location for this event to take place in good conditions.

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