Field Technician Job position in the Life Lynx project Eastern Carpathians, Romania
Data: 3 sept. 2019

ACDB is an NGO founded in 2003 which takes action to conserve wildlife and its habitat. ACDB deals with:
– Preserving healthy populations of bears, wolves, lynxes, otters and wildcats in the wilderness;  Educating people about the beneficial role of large carnivores in the wilderness;
– Preserving key protected areas for species and local communities
– Creating sustainable tourism based on natural heritage and nature conservation;
– Saving and treating injured wild animals and reintegrating them into their natural habitat. In the last 13 years, ACDB undertook 9 projects on the management of protected areas, 7 projects dedicated to conservation of large carnivore species and 2 initiatives for the development of communities in the protected areas (

LIFE Lynx project’s primary objective is rescuing the Dinaric-SE Alpine lynx population from extinction and to preserve it in the long term. Currently, the population is small, isolated, and extremely inbred. It urgently needs reinforcement by introducing additional, healthy animals from another population. You can find more about the project at

ACDB TASK within the LIFE LYNX project
Assessment and Selection of Sites and Lynx for Live-capture from the Carpathian Source Population in Romania
Within this activity we work to identify the most suitable areas and micro-locations for live-capture of animals in Romania to reinforce the Dinaric – SE Alpine lynx population. Data collected in this action will also enable us to determine how many lynx can be removed from each area without compromising the population.

Live-capture and Translocation of Lynx from the Carpathian Population in Romania for Reinforcement of the Dinaric-SE Alpine Population
The goal of this action is to capture at least seven lynx from the selected areas in the Romanian Carpathian Mountains and translocate them to Slovenia and Croatia. The capture protocols that we work with helps the project team avoid common mistakes that can lead to low capture success and to prevent any injuries to the captured lynx. Lynx capture are initiated in the areas identified as most promising in the monitoring action. Local Romanian game managers – hunters are involved to manage capture micro-sites and to minimize any external threats or risks.

Position: Wildlife technician

Task The position mainly consists in:
– Monitoring activity: lynx signs collection (tracks, excrement, urine, hair samples) involving a range of surveying techniques (sign survey, snow tracking, camera trapping).
– Trapping activity: installation and monitoring Box Traps, capture activity and transportation.
– Data storage: data archiving following a specific protocol.

Job location
Central Eastern Carpathian Mountains, mainly focused in Vrancea and Bacau counties, Romania

– Starting date: 1st November 2019
– Ending date: 30st April 2020
– Duration: 6 months
– Contract type: temporary contract
– ACDB headquarters: Focsani, Vrancea County


We are looking for one wildlife technician prepared to stay for long periods in the field. We are searching hardworking and enthusiastic applicants, able to work in harsh environmental conditions.

Psychological skill
– Ability to keep calm and remain focused when an unforeseen event occurs. Keep in mind we are working in a harsh environmental conditions (car stuck in the snow, walking back to the car during the night, bear encounters).

Social skill
– Adaptation to live and work in team.
– Team members should be willing to give and receive constructive criticism and provide authentic feedback.

Orienteering skill
– Ability to read a topographic map, use GPS device and find your location and route in remote places

Endurance skill
– Ability to walk for long period and distance in remote and cold places, sometimes in deep snow (6-7 hours, 15-20 km).
!! Keep in mind that most of the time, following lynx, we will go far from roads. Also, forest roads, in bad conditions and completely inaccessible by car in winter.

Technical skill
– Driving ability: to drive off-road vehicles in difficult accessibility forestry roads.
– Practical manual ability: all that concerns general manual work (change broken parts of the car (basic knowledge at least), build shelter, assembly and disassembly the box traps in the field).

Professional skill
– Knowledge base: proper background in Biology, Ecology and Conservation of Large Carnivores.
– Data collection: ability in recognition of wildlife signs and general knowledge in large carnivores monitoring protocols.
– Data storage: ability to use excel and GIS software (Q-GIS; Arc GIS).

If you are interested in this position send your CV and recommendation letter to: Andrea Gazzola (andreagazzola[@] and Teodora Sin (teodora.sin.g[@] (Wildlife Activities Coordinators). Shortlisted applicants will be invited for a Skype interview. Applicants should send all the material requested until: 20 September 2019 After this date we won’t accept any more request because the selection process will start. The candidate selected will be personally contacted by the ACDB coordinators.

Press release in pdf format

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