Data: 18 aug. 2020

The Wildlife Rehabilitation Center – ACDB is now better equipped with the direct support of HUMANE SOCIETY INTERNATIONAL – EUROPE which aids organizations implementing wildlife, pet and farm animal welfare programs. HSI seeks to provide resources to organizations to ensure that animals are well maintained, especially now during the crisis caused by COVID-19.

Because it is time to release quite a few mature deer, we have started the purchase of transport cages to ensure safety throughout the journey to the natural habitats where they will be relocated. Our warehouse is now full of veterinary products, special food for baby birds and many products of strict necessity that we could not afford to buy.

Three lucky storks! The nest of the three stork babies was demolished during a storm, but they were lucky to be brought, from Covasna, to the Wildlife Rescue Center – ACDB where they were properly cared for and fed, and finally released to start their first migration!

On behalf of the three storks and not only theirs, thank you HUMANE SOCIETY INTERNATIONAL – EUROPE!

27 sept. 2024

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