Humanitarian campaign “Children’s Christmas in Lunca Siretului”
Data: 3 dec. 2020

The Association for the Conservation of Biological Diversity (ACDB) organizes this year a humanitarian campaign to help children from disadvantaged families living in the protected natural area “Lunca Siretului Inferior” in Vrancea County.

For the children from the villages of Pufești and Homocea, the coming of winter is another time when they have to endure the hardships that the cold season brings. Always hungry, with bad and torn clothes, almost barefoot and with red eyes from the thick smoke of the stoves where waste is burning, these children are part of the rural communities that ACDB understood it had to support in order to develop sustainably and in harmony with nature. For this reason, this year we want to offer children and disadvantaged families in these villages located in Lunca Siretului a Christmas with more smiles and joy, and their families some help to spend the winter more easily.

Campaign objectives
– Supporting children from disadvantaged families with supplies, clothes, and equipment necessary to participate in school in decent conditions
– Offering children Christmas presents consisting of toys, clothes, shoes, and sweets
– Supporting disadvantaged families with food, clothing, goods, and sanitary supplies that are strictly necessary for them
– Fundraising to support the specific activities of each family (renovation of rooms, purchase of strictly necessary equipment, purchase of firewood etc.).

Campaign schedule
– The Christmas campaign of the children from Lunca Siretului will take place between 2-20 December 2020
– The launch of the campaign will be made on December 4, 2020 through a press release and through the website and social networks
– At the end of the campaign, a press release will be issued with the results of the Campaign.

The Association for the Conservation of Biological Diversity (ACDB) was officially established on July 2, 2003, but the activities undertaken in the field of biodiversity conservation by the founding members have started since 1999.

In its 17 years of activity, ACDB has carried out numerous projects dedicated to the management of protected natural areas, the conservation of large carnivorous species or dedicated to the development of communities in protected natural areas. In 2004, ACDB set up a Wildlife Rehabilitation Center in the Vânători Commune in order to save and rehabilitate wildlife specimens, and since 2010, ACDB has been the custodian of the protected natural area “Lunca Siretului Inferior”.

More details about the program and the objectives of the campaign, respectively about the families we set out to help this year, are presented on the Christmas page of the children from Lunca Siretului.

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