Interscholastic competition „JUNIOR RANGER FOR THE PUTNA RIVER” ACDB organizes between March 5 and March 25, 2019, the interscholastic contest „Putna River – For children”.
Data: 4 mart. 2019

The competition is organized within the Putna River project – the creation of the integrated management system for the site of community interest Putna River and the neighboring protected natural areas: Râpa Roşie – Dealu Morii, Algheanu Reserve and Bozu Creek.
The purpose of the competition: educating, raising awareness, and empowering students to conserve biodiversity and nature in general.

Participants: 30 students from Gymnasium Schools from Tulnici, Vidra, Bârsești, Valea Sării, Vrâncioaia, Negrilești, Năruja. The participating students will be selected by the teachers from the schools, according to the criteria established at the school level.
Contest calendar:
• January 1, 2018 – March 6, 2019 – presentation of the project and the contest in the participating schools, distribution of course support for the contest
• March 6 – March 17 – preparation of participants (reading of the course support)
• March 18-19-20 – testing the participants. An ACDB representative will go to each school in one of the 3 days (at the date and time previously set with the school principal) and will perform the evaluation, based on a grid test. The evaluation takes a maximum of one hour.
• March 25 – announcement of winners and awarding of prizes. ACDB representatives will go to the winning school and hand out the prizes.

Bibliography: Course support „Putna River – For children”.

Prize: diplomas for the winners (and for the winning school) and Junior Ranger equipment: hats, badges, scarves.
Determining the winners: 20 winners will be nominated, junior rangers (students with the highest scores), from the school with the best results of the participants.

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