Life Lynx: male lynx captured in Bacău County, will be transferred to Croatia
Data: 17 ian. 2020

Another male lynx, having an age of about 5 years, was captured yesterday, in the forests of Bacău County, by a team formed by ACDB and RNP Romsilva – Bacau Forestry Directorate within the LIFE Lynx project.

The lynx is now quarantined at our wildlife rehabilitation center. In about a month he will be transferred to Croatia.

The main objective of the Life Lynx project is to save the lynx population in the Dinaric Mountains and southeastern Alps region from extinction. This population is currently extremely threatened due to the small number of existing individuals. To save it, there is an urgent need to introduce new individuals from other populations, such as the one in the Carpathians. More information about the project can be found by accessing the link

The purpose of this action is to capture lynx specimens from selected areas of the Carpathian Mountains (in Romania and Slovakia) and move them to Slovenia and Croatia.

The Association for the Conservation of Biological Diversity ( is a private non-governmental and non-profit organization that works in the fields of biodiversity conservation, sustainable development of rural communities and ecological education, as support in the process of solving environmental problems. In the last eleven years, ACDB members have been involved in activities carried out at local, regional, and national level in Romania, aimed at the management of protected species, protected areas and wildlife research. The ACDB team has over ten years of experience in field research and conservation activities and has collaborated with experts and partners from Italy, Germany, Spain, Ukraine, Hungary, Austria and Canada.

The association has implemented as a beneficiary or partner several projects aimed at the management and in situ conservation of large carnivores. ACDB has developed, in recent years, an ex-situ conservation and rescue program for wildlife species by establishing the Center for Rescue and Rehabilitation of Wild Animals that collaborates with other centers in Romania.

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