Planting actions in the Putna River protected area
Data: 6 apr. 2018

We mark the Forest Month with planting actions in the protected area of the Putna River, carried out within the project “Conserve and restore the aquatic habitats for otters in south-eastern Romania”, won last year thanks to your votes.

Our action aims to expand forested areas along the waters to reduce the effects of floods.

With the help of some wonderful young people, we managed to get closer to our goal of improving the quality of the habitats used by otters, by planting 1000 seedlings in the protected natural area of the Putna River.

Thanks to the volunteers from the General Directorate of Social Assistance and Child Protection Vrancea and Tulnici City Hall!

We appreciate the involvement of volunteers, who are aware of the importance of the forest for a healthy environment and we invite anyone who wants to participate in various activities carried out by ACDB to join our group of volunteers on Facebook.

March 21 marked the International Day of Forests, proclaimed by the United Nations six years ago to emphasize the importance, at the international level, of the sustainable development of forests for the benefit of present and future generations.

The theme for International Forest Day 2018 was „Sustainable forests and cities”, emphasizing the desire to have greener, healthier, and happier cities.

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