Project Focus Nature ended
Data: 15 mart. 2019

ACDB concludes the project “Focus Natura: Merișor Forest – Cotul Zătuanului and Siret Valley”, implemented between April 4, 2017 – September 15, 2017, in partnership with the Vrancea Environmental Protection Agency.

The project aimed to change the negative attitude of visitors towards nature and educate them in the spirit of conserving natural values in the protected areas Merișor-Cotul Zătuanului Forest and Siret’s Valley, through activities such as:
– the infrastructure of access – themed trail „secret world Forest Cranberry and Black Forest”
– production and dissemination of information materials on thematic trail and natural protected areas
– organization of sporting events: the half marathon trail running and cross-country cycling competition

The “Focus Natura” sports competitions organized on September 9, in the Merișor Forest Nature Reserve – Cotul Zătuanului, had a special impact. They aimed to make participants aware of the importance of conserving natural values in protected areas, to promote movement in nature and a healthy lifestyle. The participants were able to enjoy both the competition and the landscape offered by the protected natural area, some of them resuming the route after the competition, to admire it at will.

The events mobilized many volunteers, mostly young high school students, eager to help the environment:
„The first reason I wanted to get involved in this project was Merișor Forest, I was impressed, I did not know that there was such a beautiful place in Vrancea, but this project gave me the opportunity to discover this forest. I’m glad I met new and nice people. If I have time, I hope to repeat the experience, I was happy to volunteer for this ACDB project.” – Porumboiu Denisa (volunteer)

„I signed up as a volunteer because I felt like I was doing nothing beneficial for the environment and I wanted to change this. Thank you from the bottom of my heart to the ACDB team for initiating this project, helping me to fulfill my wish and for making me realize that I have to help nature not only once, but every time!” – Ifrimenco Alexandru (volunteer)

The project is funded by the Partnership Foundation and MOL Romania, through the „Green Spaces” Program.

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