Santa Claus came earlier to 30 children from Lunca Siretului
Data: 23 dec. 2020

During 02.12.2020 – 20.12.2020, the Association for the Conservation of Biological Diversity conducted the campaign „Christmas of children from Lunca Siretului” in order to help children from 8 disadvantaged families living in the protected natural area “Lunca Siretului Inferior” in Vrancea County.

The 8 families, who had a total of 30 children, enjoyed the arrival of Santa Claus earlier, on Mondays and Tuesdays. The children greeted us in health, with joy and emotion, some of them crying at the time of goodbye.

We are delighted that people have responded positively to our humanitarian call and have jumped to the aid of these families, both individuals and legal entities, donating mainly money, clothes, toys, and food. Very few people contributed with appliances, supplies or hygiene products but we are glad that from the money raised we managed to cover these categories of products, which these families needed.

For the needy families were purchased with the help of ACDB and donors: bottle stoves, simple and automatic washing machines, bunk beds, furniture, food, personal and household hygiene products, school supplies, toys, and a decorated Christmas tree.

We would like to thank all those who donated for this campaign: Rotary CLUB Varana Focșani, Zaga Zaga, Bogdan Ivan Professional Notary Society, CONSADVICE ACCOUNT SRL, Divori Perst, Galeria de Bucate, Drăguț Ana Maria and many other anonymous people!!

The involvement of many individuals was essential, and the large number of them makes it impossible for us to mention each one, but on behalf of the children we thank them!

Campaign partners
• Uat Pufești
• Homocea commune town hall
• Smart Cups Agency

More details about this campaign are presented on the Christmas page of the children from Lunca Siretului.

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