The roads that kill
Data: 12 feb. 2018

Almost daily, wild animals are injured or even killed due to human activities, sometimes leaving orphaned cubs behind. Most of the patients from the Center for Wildlife Rehabilitation – ACDB end up here victims of road accidents. Not everyone manages to survive or reintegrate into the natural environment, so it is good that our help starts with accident prevention.

Many animals end up hit by cars that cross our roads and highways. Rehabilitated in a hurry, the roads we travel on are often stressed by infernal traffic have not been endowed by builders and designers with underpasses or overpasses for animals and do not have even a meter of protective fences to prevent wildlife from reaching on the running area. Only on the national road DN2D, which from Focșani to Ojdula intersects the protected areas Măgura Odobești, Putna River, Putna Waterfall and Putna-Vrancea National Park, we find almost daily two or three corpses of birds or animals hit by cars.

The implementation of the Practical Guide to Reducing Wildlife Accidents and Intervention to Save It and the Practical Guide to Preventing Brown Bear Habitat Fragmentation are part of our efforts to reduce the number of road accidents with wildlife casualties and ensure natural habitat connectivity.

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