Wildlife Help – a new chance for wildlife
Data: 20 dec. 2016

Funded by Telekom through the Get Involved Program, Wildlife Help will strengthen the intervention and rescue capacity of wildlife in difficulty, by using innovative online monitoring systems, post-rehabilitation monitoring and community involvement at national level in location and information activities.

A driver distracted or rushed, a highway which passes through the habitat of species of animals, an uninsulated high voltage line, the reflex of windows of a tower block, too much noise made in the forest by people – all these situations often cause drama in the world of animals. Every day, many wild animals are injured and even killed due to the impact of human activities.
Some of the animals in distress arrive at the Center for Wildlife Rehabilitation – ACDB in Petrești (Vrancea County), in a place where we try to restore their life, physical integrity and ability to be reintroduced into their natural habitats.

Veterinarians, biologists, and volunteers from the ACDB Center often try to work miracles: to restore the locomotor capacity of a bear cub with a train amputated paw, to feed two orphaned lynxes, to feed a deer every two hours, strayed by the mother or take the propellers out of the wing of a shot bird.

The Wildlife Help project
To increase the number of wild animals rescued, we considered it useful to involve the community and use computer technologies for monitoring, alerting, and communicating online. This is how the Wildlife Help project was born, which aims to strengthen the intervention and rescue capacity of wild animals in difficulty, by using innovative online monitoring systems, post-rehabilitation monitoring and community involvement at national level in locating and informing activities.

Why Wildlife Help?
– Because we want to video surveillance our animals, via the internet, 24 hours a day, without the need for personnel to patrol among cages or pens, creating additional pressure for injured animals
– Because we want animals that leave us, after treatment, to carry equipment for online transmission of the places where they take shelter, indicating whether it is necessary to intervene again in medical emergencies
– Because we want an involved community that through a toll-free telephone line to indicate the cases of injured or endangered animals
– Because we care, and we also want Romanians to care for those who cannot defend themselves.

The Wildlife Help project will come to life thanks to the financial support offered by Telekom through the Get Involved Program.

The partner of the project is the Rehabilitation Center for Orphaned Cubs in Bălan. The partnership aims to ensure success in actions in which bears are victims. Practically, all the bears that arrive at the Center for Wildlife Rehabilitation – ACDB, are cared for in the emergency stage and then are transferred to the Center in Bălan to reintegrate into natural habitats.

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