Thank you, Expodom, for the garden pavilion
Data: 1 feb. 2021

Let the rain come, let the wind blow, we do not mind anymore

Because we want to develop as much as possible the infrastructure of the Center for Wildlife Rehabilitation – ACDB, the Expodom Team is together with us, donating a pavilion to support our actions with ACDB volunteers, actions that will begin in the spring of this year. Within these actions we want to organize hand-made workshops made of natural materials (wood, stone, sand, clay, fir cones, bird feathers, deer antlers etc.) and recyclable waste (pets, glass, cardboard, cans, or aluminum etc.). The resulting items will be used as prizes for our various upcoming sports competitions, organized to raise funds for wildlife in the Rehabilitation Center and will also be used as a gift or souvenir for the most generous sponsors who will financially support the “patients” in this Hospital.

pavilion gradina

Because it has an area of 13.5 m2, this tent for events will also be used for organizing presentations about the activity of the Rehabilitation Center and for documentary screenings. So far, we have not had the ability to organize all this, and now we are glad that we can do it. Thanks, Expodom!

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