Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre
Every day, wild animals are injured and even killed because of the impact of human activities. Some of injured animals arrive at the Wildlife Rehabilitation Center – ACDB from Petrești, a place where we are trying to keep them alive, improve their physical integrity and ability to survive, and reintroduce them into natural habitats. The Wildlife Rehabilitation Center was established by ACDB in 2007 on the site of the former Zoo in Petrești, a few kilometers from Focsani. It is the first authorized center in Romania and is specialized in treating and rehabilitating several species of wild animals in difficulty.

At the Wildlife Rehabilitation Center, injured animals arrive because of dramatic situations that endanger their lives. Veterinarians, biologists and volunteers sometimes perform miracles: to restore the locomotor capacity of a bear cub with the amputated paw by a train, to feed two orphaned lynx cubs, to feed at every two hours a newborn deer, or remove the shots (pellets) from the wing of a shot bird. The Wildlife Rehabilitation Center froom Focșani, is one of the most efficient places where a wild animal can be rehabilitated.

Professional staff (veterinarians, biologists, wildlife specialists, etc.) as well volunteers dedicate passionately they free time for the center activities. They are involved in daily management and maintenance activities, so that from one month to another we manage to improve the survival and rehabilitation rate for wildlife. We strongly believe that, together, we can improve the life-saving process of endangered animals!

The Wildlife Rehabilitation Center is authorized for the rehabilitation of wildlife at national level. However, the operational procedures for rapid intervention in certain serious cases, and the intervention time required for traveling over very long distances is a factor to be taken into account in assuming some cases. In this context, for operationality, the Center will prioritize the interventions at regional level and the cases located near other rehabilitation centers will be directed to them.

The Wildlife Rehabilitation Center was established by ACDB in 2007 on the site of the former zoological garden at Crângul Petrești, a few kilometers from Focsani. The center, the first authorized in Romania, specializes in the treatment and rehabilitation of several species of wild animals in difficulty.

The access is made on the European Road E85, until the roundabout from the intersection with the County Road DJ204E and then another 1Km on the Communal Road DC144.


Excluding natural causes, patients arrive at the center because of road accidents, collisions with anthropogenic structures or as a result of cruelty human acts towards animals.

Decreasing the anthropogenic impact on wildlife has become a pressing necessity, in the context of deforestation, economic activities, expansion of human settlements in the detriment of the natural habitat of animals, etc. Awareness raise of the role of humans in rescuing, treating and, where possible, reintroducing the animals into their natural habitats is a very important step in restoring the balance of forces between human impact and nature.

The aim of the center is to rehabilitate injured or sick wild animals and to release them to their natural environment. At the same time, the center aims to contribute to educating the general public about how to act when they find wild animals in difficulty.

15 feb. 2021

The Wildlife Rehabilitation Center in Focșani was established 14 years ago and has the capacity to receive in care any kind of wild animal in difficulty or in need of

28 mai 2019

The International Day of Biological Diversity opened for the first time the gates of the Wildlife Rehabilitation Center – ACDB for the general public. On this occasion, 50 students from

16 apr. 2019

After decades in which this species was no longer seen in Romania, one of the few specimens from Europe of the black-billed eagle (Aegypius monachus) has arrived at the Wildlife

11 nov. 2016

On October 28, the Center for Wildlife Rehabilitation – ACDB took over a three-year-old bear, seriously injured in a car accident that took place in Tulnici, Vrancea County, on the