The Romanian quarantine has its first guest! His name is GORU
Data: 13 feb. 2019

Yesterday our project made a huge step forward with the capture of a beautiful male adult lynx.

Over the past month we have been hampered by false alarms and terrible weather, but yesterday the ‘trap has triggered’ message was very real, sending adrenaline rushes around our hearts, as we sprang into action at the break of dawn.

The ACDB team , supported by the representatives of the game manager and Natural Park Putna Vrancea Administration part of Romsilva, worked professionally to extract the lynx safely from the woods and to transport him to the quarantine centre. This capture is the result of two years of intensive lynx monitoring, and has involved a huge amount of work to prepare and maintain the box traps.

Pregătiri pentru tranchilizare

Measuring the weight of the lynx

Carrying the lynx to the transport vehicle

The lynx GORU

So … congratulation to Teo, Teresa, Andrea, Michael, George, Mihai and volunteers Mannon, Hannah, Bogdan, Lan for their hard work, and well done team Romania! Manny

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