ACDB fights for the conservation of species and their threatened habitats and collaborates with local communities for sustainable development based on the respect for nature.

In the last 13 years, ACDB undertook 9 projects on the management of protected areas, 7 projects dedicated to conservation of large carnivore species and 2 initiatives for the development of communities in the protected areas.

Lynx Thuringia aims to connect the lynx populations in Central Europe by creating a stepping-stone population in the Thuringian Forest (Germany). This core population will be created by reintroducing 20 lynx individuals sourced from the wild (10) and from captivity (10).
In order to reduce this problem, we will act in several directions: awareness of the negative impact of waste reaching nature in the communities along the banks of the Siret, between Trotuș and Putna, lobbying and activism towards local administrations in 7 territorial administrative units and direct actions for the sanitation of the banks of the Siret river.
The aim of the project is to change the attitude of children and locals towards nature in three protected natural areas, through practical outdoor activities in the field of sustainable use of renewable wildlife resources and ecological gardening.
The project aims at halting and reversing the loss of priority and non-priority saproxylic beetles’ populations in the Carpathians by demonstrating conservattion actions for increasing the connectivity of favorable habitats in the ROSCI0208 Putna Vrancea (Eastern Carpathians, Romania) and transferring and replicating suitable actions in other Romania Natura 2000 sites.
Increasing the capacity and sustainability of civil society in preserving the values of biological diversity in the region of Moldova and facilitating the production of a current of public opinion in which caring for nature is an important part of people’s daily lives.
A reckless or hasty driver, a highway crossing through a species habitat, a high voltage non-isolated line, reflex glass of a block, the noise created by people in the woods – these are some of the situations that usually harm the animals. Every day a lot of wild animals are hit or even killed as a result of human activity.
The main objective of the LIFE Lynx project is to save the endangered population of the lynx in the Dinaric Mountains and south-eastern Alps and keep it long-term.
Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre was founded in 2007 by ACDB, on the surface of the former Petrești Zoo, a few kilometers away from Focșani. This is the first authorized centre in Romania and specializes in treating and rehabilitating needy wildlife species.
Wolves are large carnivores, top predators, that play an essential role in maintaining a viable wildlife and healthy natural ecosystems, that provide ecological, scientific, touristic and social values.
Wild Carpathia Adventure is a tourism agency founded on the desire to promote and support nature-based tourism, to offer authentic experiences to tourists and touristic products that integrate and promote both natural and traditional values, as well as local resources.